Sunday, 22 June 2008

First problems at the EUDC 2008 Tallinn

Well, it all seemed ok, when we entered the hotel, but the first problems just popped up. Some of the people, and as I hear, that means a lot of people, will have to move for a night to another hotel, because of over booking of the hotel. I see that this is anoying to those people.
The other problem are the interviews for the ESL status. Some teams, that are competing as ESL for a long time are now being called in for interviews and are, as we unofficially heard, being changed into EFL teams. The same thing happens for one of our teams, so it will be interesting for the pre-council.
We are going for sight seeing in Tallinn tomorrow in the morning and are going to attend the debaters briefing in the afternoon. This seems interesting, even for me, as I have seen a couple of these briefings before.

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