Wednesday 25 June 2008


Esl. Leiden a, bonaparte a, tilbury a, bonaparte c, tallinn a, koc a, berlin b, warrick a, hertie sg a, bomaparte b, tartu a, tilbury c, tilbury d, idc a.
Efl: oxford a,oxford b, manchester a, laiden a, ucbfilosoph a, ucc law a, cambridge b,oxford c, ucd a, ul unìon b, oxford d, clondon a, helsinki a, ucc law b, ucb law, trinity dublin b.
Im sory that i didnt get all the names properly, but we are in an old factory. Congrats to all, especially the esl teams that broke into the efl. ìl post the results and hopefuly the recordings of the debate. Now its time for beer!

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